Voter Protection Hotline Volunteer Signup
We're thrilled that you're interested in volunteering for the Democratic Party of Georgia (DPG) Voter Protection Hotline! Since 2018, Hotline volunteers have helped to enfranchise tens of thousands of Georgia voters by providing advice on an array of election-related questions. For example, where to vote, how to register, and how to submit a vote-by-mail ballot. Voters also call the Hotline to report voting incidents such as long lines at polling locations, absentee ballot rejections, denial of provisional ballots, and problems with voting machines.

In this historic election, we are seeking customer-service oriented volunteers committed to fighting voter suppression and protecting the right to vote for all Georgians. No prior experience is necessary. Training and relevant written materials will be provided. You will not have to use your own phone.

If you're looking for real responsibility and flexibility, this opportunity is for you! The Hotline generally operates from 9am – 6pm eastern time Monday-Friday (adding weekends as Election Day nears). You can select morning, afternoon, or evening shifts, typically 3 hours each, and take calls from the comfort of your own home.

**Update Sept 14: We're delighted with the high level of interest!  As we gradually invite volunteers to training (happening weekly through mid-Oct), we prioritize those who indicate they will be able to work at least 15 hours per week in the last two weeks of the election (including Election Day).  We will email you invitations to trainings on a rolling basis.  Thanks for your patience.

All volunteers must sign up through this form.  If any questions, please reach out to Raphaëla Alemán, Hotline Volunteer Coordinator  (
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Phone Number *
City, State *
Do you have prior experience working on a voter protection hotline? (not required) *
Are you fluent in Spanish? *
Are you fluent in any other languages? If so, please list below.
When are you available to work on the hotline? (Select all that apply.) *
Will you be available on November 3rd (General Election)? *
Are you interested in volunteering at least 30 hours/week from September through Election Day? *
Are you a lawyer or former lawyer? A legal background is not required.  We do not give legal advice on the Hotline. *
Are you interested in volunteering in a tech support or operations role for at least 20 hours/week?  No technical expertise required.  We will prepare you to be a trainer and troubleshooter for volunteers using the hotline platforms.  You may also help us on-board and coordinate volunteers.
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How did you hear about this volunteer opportunity?
I affirm that I can adhere to the following criteria: 1. Commit to at least one shift on Election Day.  Preferably more than one.  Shifts will be 3-4 hours.  A couple weeks before Nov 3, we will invite only experienced volunteers to join us on Election Day. There are a few exceptions to the Election Day requirement (e.g. if you will be a DPG poll watcher on Election Day) 2. Available for at least 15 hours per week on the Hotline beginning October 12. *
Additional comments/notes:
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